Übersetzung & Definition
a recommendation: eine Empfehlung, ein Vorschlag
Could you write me a letter of recommendation for my job application? Könnten Sie mir ein Empfehlungsschreiben für meine Stellenbewerbung schreiben.
Your recommendation to take a day off was a very good idea. Dein Vorschlag, einen Tag frei zu nehmen, war eine sehr gute Idee.
to recommend: empfehlen, befürworten, vorschlagen
Which dish do you recommend? Welches Gericht können Sie empfehlen?
I highly recommend this candidate. Ich befürworte diesen Kandidaten sehr.
I recommend that you see a doctor. Ich rate dir, einen Arzt aufzusuchen.
Pronunciation examples
UK: I can recommend this book very highly.
US: My letter of recommendation was written by my grandmother.
- "Could you recommend a place to stay downtown?"
- "On a lighter note, I was wondering if you could recommend some restaurants in the area."
- "Susie : Then below that you need to include a testimonial... a recommendation from a customer who was happy with your lessons."
- "You neglected to mention where the conference is being held, however I do recommend the Bristol Arms Hotel if you're looking for a place to stay."
- "Kevin : Mrs. Lee, I want to thank you again for the restaurant you recommended to me."
- "Your hotel was highly recommended to us by our colleague Brian Jones."
- "Therefore, it is with regret that I recommend she be dismissed as soon as possible PERIOD."
- "Anyway, I really appreciate the opportunity to pursue this type of unorthodox training at the company's expense, and I heartily recommend to the rest of the staff to follow through and do something similar."
- "Bruno : Hi, I'm in town on business for a couple of days and I was wondering if you could give me some recommendations."
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