Übersetzung & Definition

a rate: eine Rate, ein Kurs noun


  • "Competitive rates."
  • "Loman's has the cheapest rates."
  • "The first 10 emails are free, then if you're interested in purchasing the program for your staff, we sell annual subscriptions at very competitive rates."
  • "Currently the unemployment rate is at 7.2 percent, which is the highest it has been since 1992."
  • "The highest rates of weight gain per second were localized in the mid-west and the south (the so-called Fat Belt), however weight gain was steady from coast to coast, from California to New York."
  • "You'll even get a special rate on our home buyer loan when the time comes."
  • "Philip : But this year, if this rate of growth continues, I am confident that we will be able to beat... wait for it, wait for it, wait for it... Mongolia!"
  • "Burglary rates in the US are no laughing matter, especially in large cities."
  • "A new report published by the BNB (Bad News Bearers) shows that obesity among Americans is not slowing down, as naive idealists continue to suggest, but rather growing at a nearly exponential rate."

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