Übersetzung & Definition

to purchase: kaufen verb
All the goods we purchased were damaged. Alle Artikel, die wir gekauft haben, waren beschädigt.
a purchase: ein Einkauf noun
That DVD player was one of the best purchases I've ever made Dieser DVD-Player ist einer der besten Einkäufe, den ich je gemacht habe.

UK: I've just purchased a second-hand toothbrush.
US: That's a very unusual purchase.


  • "However, I would like to offer you a voucher for $1 off your next purchase from our wide soup range."
  • "Adults with criminal records or mental health issues can purchase them as usual."
  • "I purchased an old soviet submarine on e-bay with the money my grandfather left me."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that Horatio keeps asking for."
  • "He is very interested in purchasing your painting "Multiplicity" (or "Absurd Crimson Symphony" as it is translated in Chinese)."
  • "You have worn funny hats, taken 17 shots of vodka for breakfast, and purchased 73 Russian dolls."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "Even in markets which appear saturated such as Europe and North America, shoppers increase their purchases of Delavigne products towards the holiday season."
  • "Purchase Manager"
  • "Subject: Purchase enquiry"

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