Übersetzung & Definition

publicity: die Werbung noun
There's no such thing as bad publicity. Alle Werbung ist gute Werbung.
to receive bad publicity: eine schlechte Presse bekommen idiom


  • "We hope that using your product will add an air of realism to the film as well as providing valuable publicity for Delavigne."
  • "A web agency has been contracted to oversee changes to the company website (www.delavignecorp.com), banner ads, and web publicity."
  • "The "Smellies" will be broadcast live on network television in over 60 countries around the world, so this is a great opportunity for publicity, even if we don't win, though I've heard some rumours, and apparently we're the favourites!"
  • "They made a killing last year, regardless of any of the bad publicity they've received over the years."
  • "The marketing department, you see, has a flexible budget which accounts for the unpredictable expenses of publicity campaigns, endorsements and travel, so this outlay is not entirely unexpected."
  • "In any case, I think you have a misconception that publicity and helping the environment are mutually exclusive!"
  • "And to think of the great publicity you could generate if you show the world how green the Delavigne Corporation is."
  • "I promise you that it is a great idea and could result in great publicity (and great sales) for the company."
  • "The Delavigne Corporation is delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Classic Collection publicity campaign, still starring Ivana Bümbüm. Offering a more subtle approach than the first version of the Classic Collection campaign earlier this year, the new marketing strategy is more innovative in its attention to nuance, and its bespoke approach."

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