Übersetzung & Definition

properly: genau, richtig adverb
The dog ended up getting sick, because the needle was not properly sterilized. Der Hund ist krank geworden, weil die Spritze nicht richtig sterilisiert war.

UK: Pim? Who's Pim? My name is Jim. Do try to pronounce it properly!
US: My computer doesn't work, perhaps I didn't connect it properly.


  • "Please treat Hannah with respect: when you go under her desk to check the cables, don't check to see if her legs are properly connected too."
  • "I personally have numerous allergies which prevent me from smelling properly -"
  • "I understand that some people have difficulty with their bowel movements (a direct result of eating too much unhealthy food), but if the bathrooms were cleaned properly, then this would be their problem, not everyone else's."
  • "If you want to be taken seriously, you must speak properly."
  • "Go to a decent tailor and get measured properly."
  • "I can't talk properly, so I use clicking sounds to communicate."
  • "I would also like someone to set up her email account, check that all the cables are plugged in properly to her P."
  • "I'll also want to see your products are properly labeled and correctly stored."

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