Übersetzung & Definition

proper: angemessen, echt, geeignet adjective

UK: That isn't the proper way to clean the windows.
US: I want a proper dinner, not just a snack!


  • "Also, be sure to give a proper warning to our staff."
  • "Be sure to fill out the proper "Meeting Request Form" available on the intranet, and return it to me at least seven calendar days before the date of the scheduled meeting."
  • "I did spill some coffee on my slacks, but I think I saved the receipt (for the coffee and the pants) so I can seek proper remuneration."
  • "Vicar : Mr. Marron, you're not following the proper format at all."
  • "Subject: Proper use of the copy machine"
  • "You eat half a box of tissues for breakfast, the other half at lunchtime and then a proper meal in the evening."
  • "I've never been stuck on an island before, I don't know the proper protocol."
  • "Napkins (preferably with a proper birthday motif)"

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