Übersetzung & Definition

a project: ein Projekt noun
to project: projektieren, planen, projizieren verb


  • "As promised, here are the guidelines regarding the Outback Cologne rebranding project"
  • "You can ignore the last section... that's for a personal project I'm working on!"
  • "That being said, the marketing department has decided to assign this project to an outside ad agency."
  • "Bruno Delavigne, CEO of the Delavigne Corporation, explains the idea behind this unique project."
  • "Please find below the project that I intend to pursue."
  • "Icarus : Just think about it - imagine Philip's raw energy and anger diverted into positive, constructive projects rather than giving him wrinkles!"
  • "Consequently, I have decided to cancel the statue project, and give the allocated money for the statue to charity."
  • "For this project, we want something fresh, inspired, something that'll set Outback Cologne apart."
  • "Project coordinator"
  • "Icarus : Using high pitch frequencies emitted by the global positioning device in Bruno's helicopter, and then cross referencing them both with the amount of fuel in the helicopter as well as all known latitude and longitudes in both the eastern and western hemispheres, I was able to project Bruno and Susie's trajectory and landing location within one kilometer!"

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