Übersetzung & Definition

a professor: ein Professor noun


  • "and losers, like your professor."
  • "Philip : Thank you so much for that warm introduction Professor Williams. My name is Philip Cheeter, and in this lecture, I'm going to teach you that sales is like a game: there are winners, like me;"
  • "Professor Hyppolyte Fabuleux said "Ever since the French flu pandemic of 1873, our nation has worn scarves to protect against the common cold and flu."
  • "It may sound like an accident waiting to happen, but certain high-profile university professors are researching powering aircraft with on-board nuclear reactors."
  • "Professor Robert Smithson, a developmental psychologist at the University of South-West Cambridgeshire, wants us to stop giving stress such a bad rap."
  • "The seven billion dollar deal had been in the works for months, says Professor Ping "Pong" Faan, chair of the economics department at Beijing University."
  • "Professor Pong explains, "Wang has a vision, he wants to make downtown Shanghai the next 5th Avenue or the next Champs Elysees."
  • "Emcee : Our first panelist is a professor of dromedary studies at the University of Giza."

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