Übersetzung & Definition

to produce: produzieren, herstellen verb
This factory specializes in producing computer parts. Diese Fabrik ist auf die Herstellung von Computerteilen spezialisiert.
production: die Produktion, die Herstellung noun
Our crop production has fallen by 2%. Unsere landwirtschaftliche Produktion ist um 2 % gesunken.

UK: All our efforts are producing wonderful results.
US: Yes, but we need to reduce the production costs.


  • "Brian : Well, I suggest we produce a new cheese called Camem-burg."
  • "Production Support Coordinator"
  • "Production, research and development, sales and distribution will resume as per usual."
  • "Kevin : My boss will be thrilled that we've found a manufacturing source which meets all international labor standards and produces everything we need for so little!"
  • "The Delavigne Corporation is one of San Francisco's most-respected local businesses, producing fine products since the early twentieth century."
  • "I determine the quantity of perfumes produced"
  • "I am the production manager"
  • "I need you to produce and deliver a new, totally fabulous, Christmas card... TODAY!"
  • "A man who produced some of the most beautiful odors this planet has ever known, and even sold some of them as perfumes."

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