Übersetzung & Definition

a privilege: ein Privileg noun
privileged: privilegiert, bevorrechtigt adjective


  • "It's an honor and a privilege."
  • "Warbuckle has personally provided four options for his privileged customers to consider and vote on."
  • "It is my privilege to invite you to be this year's keynote speaker at the Nose Awards, to be held at the Grand Duchess Hotel, New York, NY, November 22nd."
  • "Being a privileged white European male is truly the ultimate burden."
  • "Our charismatic and handsome leader has granted us the rare privilege of visiting him in his humble palace."
  • "As you are our oldest and most respected retailer of perfumes, you have the privilege to sell these -"
  • "This is the last time I'm going to tell you: the test monkeys in the laboratory are a privilege, and not a right."
  • "In fact, I consider it a privilege for us to have even received his application."
  • "Thus, I had the "privilege" to meet with your director of sales, Philip Cheeter."
  • "It was an honor and a privilege working with you."

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