Übersetzung & Definition

a private enterprise: ein Privatbetrieb, ein Privatunternehmen noun
(traveling round the world is a real) enterprise: (um die Welt zu reisen ist ein echtes) Unternehmen noun


  • "Well, the time has come, ladies and gentlemen, for that little girl to take back what is rightfully hers, the multi-billion dollar enterprise known as the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Of course, it's become an enormous commercial enterprise, with thousands of tourists from all over the world."
  • "Today is your lucky day: You've just discovered the most successful money-making enterprise in the history of the internet."
  • "Thanks to your initiatives we've been recognized as a progressive and forward-thinking enterprise by the press."
  • "There are many international Human Rights organizations which identify private enterprises that subcontract their labor."
  • "A few years ago, Northern Ireland, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Russia and Israel were also desirable locations for corporate giants and mid-level enterprises alike."
  • "Although the principal industries of the city itself, apparel and textile products, food processing, and shipbuilding, continue to thrive, we must now turn towards private sector enterprises to stimulate our economy even further."
  • "Innovative financial expert adept at building enterprise value"

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