Übersetzung & Definition

permanent: permanent, fest, andauernd, ständig adjective
I need to find a permanent job. Ich muss einen festen Job finden.


  • "In some cases Anosmia maybe permanent, although few people have reported a recovery."
  • "Horatio has very generously given us permission to use his laboratory until we find a more permanent location."
  • "However, I can tell you that the initiative kills two birds with one stone: not only should it improve the level of hygiene in the office, it will also provide a permanent use for otherwise useless intern, Edward Moon."
  • "Anosmia may be permanent, although a handful of patients have reported a full recovery."
  • "only offer you a mobile phone number, rather than a land line and a permanent address."
  • "Smithson argues that stress starts to pose serious threats such as permanent damage to brain cells (which has linked high stress levels to alzheimer's disease and strokes) and high blood pressure (the link between stress and heart attacks) only when the stress is allowed to build up over a long period of time."

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