Übersetzung & Definition
a pair: ein Paar
I only have one pair of hands. Ich habe nur zwei Hände.
During the field trip, the children must walk in pairs. Während der Exkursion müssen die Kinder in Zweierreihen gehen.
They make a good pair. Sie geben ein schönes Paar ab.
to pair: paaren, zusammentun
It was a good idea to pair Paola with Polly. Es war eine gute Idee, Paola mit Polly zusammenzutun.
- "$400 for the pair."
- "And where shall I put this pair of boxer shorts with hearts on them?"
- "Each pair comes with a plastic moustache attached, too!"
- "Edward : Actually, a pair of vintage Elkie Johns sunglasses."
- "Donna : $215 for the pair."
- "Host : I am a pair of organs located in the chest, I am made up of two spongy sacks."
- "PS: Don't forget to bring a pair of swimming trunks and a rifle."
- "Horatio : No, it's not a drink, just a real pair of metal scissors for... cutting things."
- "I am a pair of organs in the abdominal region of the body."
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