Übersetzung & Definition

numerous: zahlreich adjective
You have already been late on numerous occasions. Sie sind schon unzählige Male zu spät gekommen.


  • "Although the media has been banned from the meetings, sources have reported yelling, dogs barking, and numerous bottles breaking during the negotiations."
  • "She is the spokeswoman for the perfume company Delavigne Corp, known for its numerous eco-friendly initiatives."
  • "I personally have numerous allergies which prevent me from smelling properly -"
  • "Philip has told me on numerous occasions that working with an OILS certified company would severely cut into our profit margins, which would not please our shareholders at all."
  • "Online record shops are more and more numerous, and auction websites that sell second-hand vinyl records are booming."
  • "While the benefits of sleep are numerous, it seems clear that the dangers of NOT sleeping outweigh them considerably."
  • "Still, with the recent economic downturn following the collapse of numerous dot coms and start-ups in Silicon Valley, San Francisco has had to look elsewhere for a boost."
  • "As far as the numerous traffic violations incurred by Mr. Marron, I can only suggest that the vast societal and cultural differences between his native country (France) and ours played a significant part in his actions."

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