Übersetzung & Definition
nearly: fast, beinahe
I've been working at Delavigne for nearly fifteen years now. Ich arbeite jetzt schon seit fast fünfzehn Jahren bei Delavigne.
(I) nearly (had a heart attack): (Ich hatte) fast (einen Herzinfarkt)
I nearly lost my job for smoking in the office. Ich habe wegen Rauchens im Büro beinahe meinen Job verloren.
- "-In a recent survey, nearly 70% of customers indicated that they wanted their needs and desires met prior to having to ask."
- "Captain Donny Dare has since amassed over 14,000 hours of flight time and nearly 300 enemy kills."
- "The group, led by twin brothers Desmond and Brian Jones, is back together after a messy break-up nearly 20 years ago."
- "Bruno : I'm sorry, Mrs. Yang, but Miracle Juices has been a dream of ours for nearly 2 months now, and I'm not willing to part with it so soon."
- "I nearly got lost on the golf course."
- "I ate so much I nearly split my pants."
- "Our lab tests reveal nearly fatal levels of mescaline, bath salts and bong water in his system, as well as trace elements of orange juice and horse tranquilizer."
- "Brian : Nearly eight dollars."
- "The sun is rising, it is nearly dawn."
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