Übersetzung & Definition

a mountain: ein Berg noun


  • "Because we are in the mountains."
  • "Horatio Oléré was recognized by a mountain goat, who immediately emailed our site, informing us that the millionaire shaman instigated a snowball fight with a band of peaceful Yetis."
  • "The park is teeming with wildlife and natural features, from the Old Faithful Geyser to the mountains, lakes, rivers, canyons and forests."
  • "I know a shortcut over the Rocky Mountains."
  • "This fresh mountain air is good for the mind, body and soul."
  • "The Texas Mountain bear is on the endangered species list, with fewer than 100 bears in the wild today."
  • "1988-90 Green Gulch Zen Center (Mountain Gate Temple, Yosemite Valley)"
  • "Bruno : The Park is teeming with wildlife and natural features, from the Old Faithful Geyser to the mountains, lakes, rivers, canyons and forests."
  • "Chuk-Chuk : Gentlemen, welcome to the Himalayan mountains."
  • "Brian : Ahh, this fresh mountain air is good for the mind, body and soul."

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