Übersetzung & Definition
a mile: eine Meile (= 1,609347 km)
It's 50 miles from here. Das ist 50 Meilen von hier entfernt.
- "Jean : 200 miles?"
- "100 miles"
- "Brian : 1 mile is about 1.6 kilometers."
- "Mile High Airways: The vagabond's choice of air travel."
- "Philip : I went camping with my friend Joe in Lake Tahoe, which is about 200 miles north of San Francisco."
- "Simpson was arrested by police driving at 180 miles an hour with a small horse in the passenger seat."
- "Hop in it and take it about two miles down the trail, and then you'll see the guesthouse on your right."
- "Brian : Jean, 200 miles takes about three and a half hours by car."
- "So one mile is how many kilometers?"
- "-Going the extra mile to satisfy a customer is a great way of maintaining customer loyalty."
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