Übersetzung & Definition
to meet (somebody): (jemanden) treffen
Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I meet / I met / I have met
to meet (one's needs, expectations, requirements): (Bedürfnisse, Erwartungen, Ansprüche) befriedigen
We guarantee you that our seminar on public speaking will meet your professional needs. Wir garantieren Ihnen, dass unser Seminar in Rhetorik Ihren beruflichen Anforderungen entsprechen wird.
- "Philip : I am indeed lucky to have met a woman who shares my love of feminist literature, my strict vegetarian diet and above all, who shares my belief in a monogamous marriage built on celibacy."
- "Bruno : Meet me at the balloon!"
- "Bruno : I first met Betty on a blind date a couple of months ago at a bar."
- "Horatio : ...I met her in the Wild West."
- "We met at Brad and Angelina's Thanksgiving banquet last year."
- "As soon as you get this message, please meet me in my office immediately."
- "I'll meet you in your office in a few hours."
- "Did we meet at Woodstock?"
- "Please gather at 7am in the parking lot to meet the charter bus."
- "As our eyes met for the first time, I felt her looking deep into my soul, a place where no woman had ever penetrated."
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