Übersetzung & Definition
(I love) mashed potatoes!: (Ich liebe) Kartoffelpüree!
to mash: zerdrücken, zerquetschen, pürieren
- "Edward : No, I wanted mashed potatoes instead of the steak and fries."
- "Edward : Eh... Actually, could I have mashed potatoes instead?"
- "One steak with fries and a plate of mashed potatoes coming right up!"
- "Waitress : Mashed potatoes?"
- "Anyway, how are your mashed potatoes?"
- "I had mashed potatoes instead of a steak!"
- "Philip : So Edward, that whole plate of mashed potatoes – is that a typical Swedish thing?"
- "It says that we had two steaks and fries when in fact we had one steak and fries, and one plate of mashed potatoes."
- "I have never seen anyone eat mashed potatoes with their hands before."
- "Waitress : Here you are gentlemen, one rare steak with fries for you, and a plate of mashed potatoes for you."
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