Übersetzung & Definition
to march: marschieren
a (50 mile) march: ein (50 Meilen) Marsch
There was a steady march forward from the allied troops. Die alliierten Truppen marschierten stetig voran.
March: März
- "Leonard : The May Day march is our chance to demand better rights as workers, and Bruno is standing in our way!"
- "Edward : We're marching to Bruno's office in protest!"
- "Our records indicate that you received the delivery on March 11th."
- "16 March"
- "Subject: May Day March"
- ""Some members of the Delavigne staff plan to leave early on Friday so that they can attend the march."
- "'The march may be infiltrated by liberal radicals intent on spreading anti-American propaganda and denouncing traditional American values."
- "Bob the Brit : They always told me, never trust a Corsican with a gun on the fourth weekend in March!"
- "Icarus : Stickypedia was created by Willy James in March 2002 - or November 2001 - depending upon which Stickypedia page you look at."
- "He denied us our right to march in the May Day protest, so we're denying him his right to leave the office for the weekend."
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