Übersetzung & Definition

I can't make it (to this appointment): Ich schaffe es nicht (zu diesem Treffen) zu kommen idiom
I can't make it on Monday. Am Montag schaffe ich es nicht.


  • "I can't make it on Friday: I just arrived in South Africa, and I'll be here for three weeks."
  • "There was a decent turnout: Icarus, Luna, and Philip all made it."
  • "I'm not sure I can make it Icarus."
  • "Unfortunately many of them had other plans, and couldn't make it here."
  • "No, I'm afraid I can't make it."
  • "I'm very sorry but I won't be able to make it to the meeting this Friday."
  • "Give me a buzz this afternoon, if you can, and let me know if you can make it."
  • "yeah I can make ur costume party"
  • "If you are not able to make this appointment, please call the office at 555-GUMS at least 48 hours before your scheduled visit, in order to reschedule."
  • "Susie : And you can't make it?"

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