Übersetzung & Definition
(a) luxury (item): ein Luxusartikel
a luxury: ein Luxus
- "What should I do with my luxury apartment?"
- ""The logo captures these attributes — luxury, prestige, excellence, exclusivity and unsurpassed innovation."
- "A gold logo is worthy of a luxury brand like ours."
- "Special luxury services"
- "It seems to me that your spending on personal luxuries is out of control."
- "SAN FRANCISCO – The luxury fragrance industry has been rocked by allegations that one of the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation may be a spy."
- "She has a large disposable income and a weakness for luxury products."
- "We're going to relaunch YouBeauty.com with a stronger focus on luxury brands."
- "Susan : To be honest, I think your reputation can only be improved by being linked to a luxury brand like Delavigne."
- ""Delavigne", that's a French name if I'm not mistaken, and luxury products and France don't exactly go hand in hand."
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