Übersetzung & Definition

to lose (one's keys, a tennis match): (einen Schlüssel, ein Tennisspiel) verlieren verb

Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I lose / I lost / I have lost
I am lost (in this big city!): Ich bin (in dieser großen Stadt) verloren! idiom

UK: You lose everytime we play tennis.
US: And last week I lost my job.


  • "The duel was lost after one bite"
  • "Edward Marley : Well, you could lose your health, you could lose your soul, you could lose your reputation, you could lose your trousers, you could lose your fortune..."
  • "If you have seen Stink, or heard any rumors to his location, please contact the lost dog hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-800-RU MY DOG (1-800-786-9364)"
  • "My name is Brian Jones and I recently lost my job... to a camel!"
  • "You say that you lost your job to a camel?"
  • "LOST DOG!"
  • "I have finished my tour of the company and it is worse than I thought: not only has Delavigne become a faceless, money-grabbing corporation, but it has also lost its "music"!"
  • "Not only did I lose the deal, but Stink ruined my favorite pair of pants."
  • "Horatio : It belonged to Joan Wayne... my lost love."

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