Übersetzung & Definition
to look like (a famous movie star): wie (ein berühmter Kinostar) aussehen
That dog looks like Chewbacca, don't you think? Dieser Hund sieht wie Chewbacca aus, finden sie nicht auch?
It looks like (it's going to rain): Es sieht aus, als ob (es regnen wird)
Look like (you're busy)!: Tu so, (als seist du beschäftigt).
In this scene, you should look like you've just cried. In dieser Szene solltest du so aussehen, als ob du gerade geweint hättest.
- "Edward : Well, well, well... looks like I'm finally having my very own dream sequence."
- "It's a cookbook called "Look Like a Cook"."
- "Looks like my ex-husband, Torbjörn."
- "This place looks like a restaurant."
- "Brian : Uhhh... This looks a lot like the taco truck that got shut down last month."
- "Princess Utopia : What does he look like?"
- "Looks like the money is mine!"
- "Edward : I quite like how realistic it is... It almost looks like a real window."
- "And you Jean, you look like a giraffe!"
- "Looks like I'll need to find a new lawyer too!"
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