Übersetzung & Definition

a logo: ein Logo noun


  • "(I like the Delavigne logo."
  • "To the new logo!"
  • "But seriously, this logo might not be super original, but it is timeless."
  • "Delavigne redesigns classic logo"
  • "Delavigne Corp intends to roll out the new logo over the next few months"
  • "Delavigne Corp has revitalized its image by redesigning one of the most recognized symbols in the world of perfume and cosmetics: the Delavigne logo."
  • ""The shift to a new logo symbolizes the strategic transformation under way at Delavigne Corp."
  • "We could put the logo on a gold necklace, and get some rappers to wear it."
  • ""The logo captures these attributes — luxury, prestige, excellence, exclusivity and unsurpassed innovation."
  • "A gold logo is worthy of a luxury brand like ours."

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