Übersetzung & Definition
a lock: ein (Tür-)Schloss
There's no lock to the bathroom. Das Badezimmer hat kein Türschloss.
lock-jaw Kiefersperre (bei Tetanus-Erkrankung)
to pick the lock das Schloss knacken
under lock and key hinter Schloss und Riegel
Nicht mit "a lock of hair" verwechseln (eine Haarlocke)
to lock (up): zusperren, verriegeln
Did you remember to lock the door before leaving? Hast Du daran gedacht, das Schloss vor dem Weggehen zuzusperren?
to lock up einsperren
- "I locked it."
- "Maybe this will teach you to lock your door!"
- "She has locked us in here!"
- "We've had to lock the door to his hut, I'm afraid."
- "Why is this door locked?"
- "The woman, she has locked us in here!"
- "I'm talking about more than just locking your door at night."
- "12.51PM - Bob Carter enters room and locks door."
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