Übersetzung & Definition

a link: eine Verbindung, eine Verknüpfung, ein Link noun
I think he has links with the mafia. Ich denke, er hat Verbindungen zur Mafia.
the weak link das schwächste Glied
to link: verbinden, verknüpfen verb
The newspaper suggested that the crimes were linked. Die Zeitungen haben angedeutet, dass die Verbrechen miteinander in Verbindung stehen.

UK: Bruno couldn't help thinking there was a link between the missing monkey and the empty bottle of whiskey.
US: I think Horatio has links to the mafia.


  • "Smithson argues that stress starts to pose serious threats such as permanent damage to brain cells (which has linked high stress levels to alzheimer's disease and strokes) and high blood pressure (the link between stress and heart attacks) only when the stress is allowed to build up over a long period of time."
  • "Click on the link below and stay tuned to hear the success story of elderly fall victim, Thelma Fudd."
  • "Smithson argues that stress starts to pose serious threats such as permanent damage to brain cells (which has linked high stress levels to alzheimer's disease and strokes) and high blood pressure (the link between stress and heart attacks) only when the stress is allowed to build up over a long period of time."
  • "I've provided a link to an application that will help me select the best day for the picnic."
  • "Susan : To be honest, I think your reputation can only be improved by being linked to a luxury brand like Delavigne."
  • "There is a very real risk that the media scrutiny linked to these practices could not only damage our reputation, but our sales figures as well!"
  • "Authorities are currently investigating possible links to notorious perfume magnate Kalvin Krime."
  • "Bob : The left button is used to select things: files, folders or documents, or to click on internet links, for example."
  • "You're the only link I have to the world I once knew."

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