Übersetzung & Definition
(to wait in a) line (US), queue (UK): (in einer) Schlange (warten)
I need to stand in the queue. Ich muss in der Schlange stehen.
to queue up (UK): sich in einer Schlange anstellen
Im "amerikanischen" Englisch wird to queue up mit to wait in line ausgedrückt.
Pronunciation examples
UK: In Britain, a "line" is called a "queue".
US: In America, a "queue" is called a "line".
- "It's only waiting in the queue at this point."
- "All non-EU passport holders please queue up to the left, and all EU passport holders please proceed to the right."
- "Jean : The line for the toilet was enormous, so I went to the ladies' toilet, but then a woman was scared and she called the police."
- "Jean : Oh, this line is long..."
- "Polly : I don't care if it's in the queue!"
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