Übersetzung & Definition
to lend (money to a friend): (einem Freund Geld) leihen
Einige geläufige Ausdrücke:
Lend me a hand! Helfen Sie mir! (wörtl. Leihen Sie mir eine Hand!)
Lend me your ears. Hören Sie mir zu! (wörtl. Leihen Sie mir ihre Ohren!)
Lend me your ears. Hören Sie mir zu! (wörtl. Leihen Sie mir ihre Ohren!)
Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I lend / I lent / I have lent
- "I can lend you a pair of knitting needles and give you some yarn if you like."
- "You are unlikely to be lent any more money and you may not be able to transfer your existing loan from one home to another."
- "Bruno : Friends, colleagues, countrymen, lend me your ears."
- "Ah Mr. Victim, yes I'm glad to say that I've got the go-ahead to lend you the money you require."
- "Well, perhaps I could lend you some money, until you're back on your feet."
- "Although the notoriety of the local food movement is increasing, even lending such buzzwords as "food patriotism" (strong belief in sustainable local food chains) and "locavore" (one who eats only local products) to the lexicon, some remain unconvinced that the local food movement is all it's cracked up to be."
- "I could lend it to you if you like."
- "Perhaps I could lend you one of my kaftans?"
- "To make things worse, I also lent her my mobile phone."
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