Übersetzung & Definition

to lead: leiten, führen verb
I'll lead you to Bruno's office. Ich werde Sie zu Brunos Büro führen.

Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I lead / I led / I have led
leading: leitend, maßgeblich adjective
a lead (UK): eine Leitung noun


  • "Dr. Delavigne is the world's leading dolphin interpreter."
  • "There are many different ways to do this, but only one will lead you to the gardens of Nirvana, or possibly just the bush of Guns N' Roses."
  • "You know, just hanging out, playing some golf, leading the free world, that sort of thing."
  • "When the police arrived on the scene, they simply had to follow the red footprints which led to an apartment building not even half a block from the bank."
  • "Tomorrow morning, in meeting room A, Glen will be leading our first collective yoga class."
  • "You know...just hanging out...playing some golf...leading the free world...that sort of thing."
  • "Warning: Sharing this information can lead to death, excommunication."
  • "Lead Image Consultant & Business Guru"
  • "The group, led by twin brothers Desmond and Brian Jones, is back together after a messy break-up nearly 20 years ago."
  • "Unfortunately, the current economic climate has led to budget cuts, and the corporation cannot afford to take you on a guided tour of the park."

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