Übersetzung & Definition

a laboratory, a "lab": ein Labor noun

UK: Eight monkeys have escaped from a medical laboratory.
US: Dexter loves making things in his laboratory.


  • "To the "super duper mystery solving laboratory"!"
  • "Your task is to clean the laboratory, and by extension, any monkeys therein."
  • "During the inspection of your laboratory, I observed the following"
  • "Horatio : Yes, my monkeys, they saw him. They told me he came into my laboratory and stole my secret perfumes."
  • "Icarus : Welcome to the "super duper mystery solving laboratory", everyone, which incidentally doubles as my office."
  • "We have your laboratory surrounded by a team of 300 highly-trained military operatives, 17 Apache helicopters and 3 cats that followed us here."
  • "Philip : Well, here we are, troops: Horatio's laboratory."
  • "Icarus : Welcome to the "super duper mystery solving laboratory" everyone, which incidentally doubles as my office."
  • "Please go to Horatio's laboratory at 6pm this evening, where you will be joined by fellow "volunteers", Hannah Benedict (Head of Retail) and Edward Moon (British intern)."

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