Übersetzung & Definition

labor (US), labour (UK): Arbeit noun
to be in labor in den Wehen liegen
This pay check represents the fruits of my labor Dieser Gehaltsscheck stellt die Früchte meiner Arbeit dar.
labor camps Arbeitslager


  • "We had been debating the pros and cons of exploiting inexpensive but possibly illegal labor, versus taking the "high road" and using only suppliers with a proven record on human rights working standards."
  • "Susie : If you consider the dangers of questionable labor practices strictly from a financial perspective, you'll find that continuing to exploit cheap labor sources is extremely risky."
  • "Bruno : Susie, you make a very convincing case for using ethical labor, whatever the cost."
  • "Economist Adam F Smythe explains: "Private sector companies are less inclined to hire union labor because of the restrictions it imposes upon their business models"."
  • "Those are low estimates, but that puts us roughly at 1.8 million USD, without any shipping and labor costs."
  • "Kevin : My boss will be thrilled that we've found a manufacturing source which meets all international labor standards and produces everything we need for so little!"
  • "OILS, the Organization for International Labor Standards, is a (fictional) group which identifies and certifies subcontractors using legal and ethical labor practices."
  • "Fashion insiders predict that within two years D&C will be outsourcing abroad for cheaper labour and materials, eliminating the biggest advantage that D&C had over its competitors."
  • "these days they just come in a different form. Smythe says that private sector companies are finding ways to compensate workers without using union labor, "The perks that a dotcom like Doodle provides for its staff, without any union interference, are unbelievable: free meals, childcare, dry cleaning services, gold-leafed toilet paper, the list goes on and on."

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