Übersetzung & Definition
(It's Monday today,) isn't it?: (Heute ist Montag,) nicht wahr?
- "Lucie : Yes, Philip, but isn't it true that you had a violent verbal confrontation with Stink?"
- "Dodgeball's kind of a stupid game, isn't it?"
- "Dr. Loblaw : Isn't it? Well, now that we're finished with the tour, let's go into the "Purple room" so I can introduce you to your fellow crazies!"
- "" That's a good one, isn't it?"
- "It's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it? What does it say to you?"
- "Isn't it 10 o'clock in the morning over there?"
- "It's hard to fathom, isn't it?"
- "Lucie : Yes Philip, but isn't it true that you had a violent verbal confrontation with Stink?"
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