Übersetzung & Definition

to involve: einbeziehen, verb
an involvement: eine Beteiligung, eine Mitwirkung noun
Bruno was informed of Philip's involvement as a judge in the wet t-shirt contest. Bruno war über Philips Beteiligung als Richter im Nasses-T-Shirt-Wettbewerb informiert.

UK: Philip was involved in judging a wet t-shirt competition.
US: He was also involved in wetting the t-shirts.


  • "If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault, we can help you get the compensation you deserve!"
  • "I simply want you to get to know your child and be involved in their life for the next 40 to 60 years."
  • "I'm not in right now, but I'm probably doing something fun that doesn't involve telephones."
  • "Chapter 4: Involvement with the Illuminati and Freemasons"
  • "The G-forces involved in the launch were too great, you lost consciousness."
  • "Your role involves supervising all retail sales, and liaising with the rest of the sales department."
  • "A typical hunt involves 50 dogs and 50 horse riders blowing horns like this one."
  • "Internet piracy, which involves file sharing and unauthorized downloading of copyrighted material, may be made illegal in several European countries."
  • "Apparently there was a minor train collision just outside of Birmingham. I assume this is the same accident you were "involved" in."
  • "Susie : Bruno and I have already spoken about this latest Kalvin Krime campaign, and he agrees with me that it's not the kind of thing we want to get involved in."

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