Übersetzung & Definition

an initiative: eine Initiative noun
Take the initiative! Ergreife die Initiative!
on one's own initiative auf eigene Faust
The government's new initiative to improve the economy is working. Die neue Initiative der Regierung, die Wirtschaftslage zu verbessern, funktioniert.


  • "However, I can tell you that the initiative kills two birds with one stone: not only should it improve the level of hygiene in the office, it will also provide a permanent use for otherwise useless intern, Edward Moon."
  • "In order to prevent the transmission of diseases in the workplace, I have put in place a new initiative that will encourage people to wash their hands after using the bathroom. I am reluctant to reveal too much information regarding the protocol as it may compromise its effectiveness."
  • "Certainly there are companies which have had success with this kind of initiative, however I am reluctant to set aside time for naps at this time."
  • "Will you be making any money from this initiative?"
  • "We are hoping this initiative will save time and avoid hurt feelings (mainly my own)."
  • "CEO Bruno Delavigne, along with Chief of Research and Development Horatio Oléré, will unveil a philanthropic initiative of great consequence, to be revealed at the time of press conference (6 PM)."
  • "For more information about Delavigne products or initiatives, please contact Susan Bliss, director of Marketing at (415) 555-6996."
  • "Mr. Jones, you talked earlier about Delavigne's planned environmental initiatives-"
  • "She is the spokeswoman for the perfume company Delavigne Corp, known for its numerous eco-friendly initiatives."
  • "This sort of initiative has had remarkable success at such multinationals as Moogle."

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