Übersetzung & Definition
to inhabit: wohnen, leben
Sometimes I think that Luna inhabits another planet. Manchmal hab' ich das Gefühl, dass Luna auf einem anderen Planeten lebt.
an inhabitant: ein Einwohner
The book provides information on the city and all its inhabitants. Dieses Buch enthält Informationen über die Stadt und alle ihre Einwohner.
Pronunciation examples
UK: Sometimes I think that Luna inhabits another planet.
US: Monkeys tend to inhabit areas with lots of trees.
- "These men and women are generous, kind, and concerned about the welfare of this city and its inhabitants, but more importantly, they run successful businesses which bring recognition, respect and admiration to San Francisco."
- "Jonas : Well, the quality of life in Scandinavia is excellent, but we are especially proud of our welfare system. Each Scandinavian country provides excellent health care for its inhabitants."
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