Übersetzung & Definition

an incident: ein Vorfall, ein Ereignis, ein Zwischenfall, ein Störfall noun


  • "The teacher of the class has been hailed as a hero for bringing the incident to a swift end by saying, "Ok class, that's enough excitement for today, turn to page 54 of your textbooks: Trigonometry"."
  • "Despite this isolated incident, I believe that our two cultures are closer than ever, and this is reflected by this collaboration between the perfumers of our two great nations."
  • "Horatio, Glen has asked that you skip this class after hearing about the “Pilates Incident” of 2012."
  • "Incident type: SHARK ATTACK (CLASSIC)"
  • "Sorry for the whole webcam in the bathroom incident."
  • "15th, tomorrow will make seven (7) weeks since your renovation project "incident" caused significant water damage to the ceiling of my bathroom (i."

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