Übersetzung & Definition

to be in contact (with): in Kontakt sein (mit) idiom
to contact: Kontakt aufnehmen verb
a (business) contact: eine Geschäftsverbindung noun


  • "I'm contacting you about a most urgent matter."
  • "I hope you don't mind me contacting you "out of the blue lagoon"* like this (I hope I've used the idiom correctly)."
  • "I would like you to meet with a contact of mine - French music producer Guy DuPuy."
  • "The balloon lost radio contact with airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center."
  • "Of course, if you really want it, I can give you the number for Know-It-All so you can contact them yourself."
  • "- Contact your friendly IT department immediately if you notice anything strange on your computer."
  • "If you have seen Stink, or heard any rumors to his location, please contact the lost dog hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-800-RU MY DOG (1-800-786-9364)"
  • "Royal Rehab®- Contact us today for a free estimate and consultation... it's a lot better than being beheaded!"
  • "For more information about Delavigne products or initiatives, please contact Susan Bliss, director of Marketing at (415) 555-6996."
  • "I'll contact you when it's done."

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