Übersetzung & Definition

I'll tell you what!: Hör' zu!, Hört mal! idiom
I'll tell you what: come to the bar with me, and I'll pay for the drinks. Weißt Du was: komm' mit mir in die Kneipe und ich lade dich ein!
I'll tell you what (to put in your letter): Ich werde Ihnen sagen, was Sie in Ihrem Brief schreiben sollten. idiom


  • "I'll tell you what, bring your plant back today and we'll replace it with something less... "spiny"."
  • "Herbert : Tell you what, babe: why don't you talk it over with him this afternoon and then meet me for lunch tomorrow?"
  • "I'll tell you what: my husband's birthday is coming up."
  • "Then I discovered the theory of "six degrees of separation", and if you stick with me, I'll tell you what it is."
  • "I can't tell you what it is with this note."
  • "Here, I'll tell you what to put at the end of your letter."
  • "Tell you what, I'll do it!"
  • "And I'm sure I don't need to tell you what a masterpiece Swan Lake is!"
  • "Brian : Let me tell you what happened to my hair."
  • "Anyway, we should end on a positive note, so I'm going to tell you what I love about Funky Fridays: Love."

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