Übersetzung & Definition
Got it!: Verstanden!
Winston: Now you clean up the car and destroy any items related to the incident, OK? Samuel: Got it Winston: Jetzt machst du das Auto sauber und beseitigst jeden Gegenstand, der in Verbindung mit dem Unfall steht, okay? Samuel: Verstanden!
I get it: Ich verstehe es, ich kapiere es
Do you get it, or do you need me to explain it to you again? Hast du es verstanden oder soll ich es dir noch einmal erklären?
- "Get it? Because we are in the mountains."
- "Brian : No, Philip, he did not get it."
- "Got it? Hannah : MacCheeter, you did it!"
- "Booya! Get it? Married!"
- "Philip : I don't get that one, but I think it's funny!"
- "Get it? Voice : Yes, yes."
- "Peter : Yeah Pop, I got it."
- "Stop the music! Don't you get it?"
- "I think he's the only one in this family that gets me."
- "Jenny : I don't get it."
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