Übersetzung & Definition

a human being: ein Mensch noun


  • "Human beings have the disadvantage of being able to worry about future events, including ones which may never happen."
  • "My name is Philip Cheeter and I'm the most repugnant human being on the face of the Earth."
  • "Though I'm deeply disturbed by your behavior, I am committed to helping you become a less disgusting human being through my life coaching."
  • "Like he deserves our respect as a human being, or an ostrich."
  • "Oh God, why am I such a terrible human being?"
  • "Icarus is a seriously awkward human being with some bizarre compulsive disorders, but he is quite gifted with numbers."
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly-skilled office job!"
  • "Namely, should the company stay in the hands of this pitiful excuse for a human being, Bruno Delavigne-"
  • "I am your new king, and generally awesome human being, Philip Cheeter."

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