Übersetzung & Definition
(on) holiday (UK): (im) Urlaub
the summer holidays die Sommerferien
a holiday ein Feiertag (US)
to take a week's holiday (UK): eine Woche Urlaub nehmen
2 weeks' holiday with pay 2 Wochen bezahlter Urlaub
a (national) holiday: ein gesetzlicher Feiertag
- "Here at Delavigne, we believe the holidays are all about counting our blessings."
- "Just to be clear: Mandatory, unpaid holiday."
- "That's the Holiday Inn."
- "Holiday : Halloween"
- "Mercifully, one of my holiday prayers has been answered, and there will be only two displays of "talent" this year."
- "I'm having a wonderful time on holiday."
- "I'm on holiday."
- "During the holiday shopping season, you can't escape it."
- "Enjoy your holiday"
- "Nous cherchons le Holiday Inn."
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