Übersetzung & Definition
to hear: hören
I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Ich höre Schritte die Treppe hoch kommen.
I heard that you make great mojitos at this bar. Ich habe gehört, dass Sie hier sehr gute Mojitos machen.
Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I hear / I heard / I have heard
to hear about (sthg/sbdy): über (jemanden/ etwas) hören
I hear that...: Ich habe gehört, man sagt...
Pronunciation examples
UK: I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
US: I heard that you make great mojitos at this bar.
- "Warbuckle : Hey, do you hear something?"
- "I was so sorry to hear that you were dead."
- "Betty : I'd like to hear it sometime."
- "You hear that, Rocco?"
- "If you have seen Stink, or heard any rumors to his location, please contact the lost dog hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-800-RU MY DOG (1-800-786-9364)"
- "Would you like to hear a joke?"
- "Brian : We know for a fact that barking was heard in the vicinity of the copy machine at 7.15pm, just 3 minutes before Stink's body was discovered in the hallway!"
- "But, before she could leave the building, she heard a cry for help..."
- "I can hear trouble from miles away!"
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