Übersetzung & Definition
to have confidence in someone: Vertrauen zu jemandem haben
I have total confidence in you. Ich habe vollstes Vertrauen zu dir.
confidence: Vertrauen, Zuversicht
- "Confidence, Self-Worth & Self-Esteem"
- "Edward : Confidence?"
- "I have the utmost confidence in Brian's abilities."
- "First of all, you'll be happy to know that despite Bruno's absence, our shareholders still have confidence in us."
- "I can predict with confidence that the Delavigne Corporation's strong performance will continue until the end of the year."
- "Confidence in the company will be restored!"
- "It gives me the confidence to take more risks, and when I take more risks I make more money for this company."
- "Confidence, intelligence and ambition."
- "Susie : But, if we play this right, confidence in Delavigne will not only remain intact, but maybe even be enhanced."
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