Übersetzung & Definition

I had a great, fabulous time!: Ich hatte eine tolle Zeit! idiom
a great time (for the economy): eine günstige Zeit (für die Wirtschaft) idiom


  • "This should be a great time to be in the retail business."
  • "I was having a great time when the police found me."
  • "Well they're the one's who are missing out, I'm having a great time."
  • "I'm sorry the turnout is so small, but I'm sure that you guys will have a great time nevertheless."
  • "We had a fabulous time. Who knew a 90-year old woman was so good at rugby?"
  • "We had a fabulous time, just up to the point when Marilyn (Icarus's mum) fell in the lake trying to catch my frisbee."
  • "I just called to say that I had a great time and you should call me tomorrow or in two days."

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