Übersetzung & Definition
to go back: zurückgehen, zurückkommen
Since it's raining, let's go back to the hotel. Laßt uns zum Hotel zurückgehen, da es regnet.
Before we begin with today's agenda, let's go back to what we discussed in the last meeting. Bevor wir mit der heutigen Tagesordnung anfangen, lassen Sie uns auf das Thema zurückkommen, das wir beim letzten Treffen diskutiert haben.
Sometimes Luna wishes she could go back in time. Manchmal wünscht sich Luna, sie könnte die Zeit zurückdrehen.
- "I'm going to go back to my office now."
- "You can go back to your box now."
- "I don't want to go back to that lifestyle: the parties, the drugs, the girls."
- "I'm going back to work, I promise."
- "I ain't going back to prison, you'll see!"
- "They go back to the UK with suitcases full of jeans, designer shoes, CDs and Epods."
- "Brian : I don't know yet, I have to go back to London to find out."
- "On the other hand, I think we should go back to San Francisco."
- "Sometimes, I wouldn't mind going back to San Francisco and seeing my friends and colleagues."
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