Übersetzung & Definition
to get together: zusammenkommen, sich treffen
It would be nice if we could get together one of these weekends and have a drink. Es wäre schön, wenn wir uns mal an einem Wochenende treffen und etwas trinken gehen könnten.
Jennifer and I got together 3 years ago. Jennifer und ich kamen vor drei Jahren zusammen.
a get-together: eine Feier, eine Zusammenkunft, ein Treffen
I'm going to have a get-together at my house this Sunday so that we can catch up a little. Ich organisiere diesen Sonntag eine kleine Feier bei mir zu Hause, da können wir dann mal wieder Neuigkeiten austauschen.
- "It's been a while since we've gotten together and talked face to face."
- "We'll discuss this when we get together on Thursday."
- "I know that it used to disturb you when we first got together, but now that I've stopped taking pictures, you've become accustomed to it."
- "Donna : It's really nice that we're having this little Christmas get-together at the office, isn't it Brian?"
- "So if you're still willing, I'd like to get together over lunch, or maybe even brunch, so that we can sort out this trouble with your loans once and for all."
- "We need to get together to talk about my salary."
- "Why don't we get together today, or let's say we discuss the project next week?"
- "Why don't you drop me an email so we can get together sometime?"
- "For the most part, these little get-togethers run pretty smoothly."
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