Übersetzung & Definition
to gauge: messen, ausmessen, vermessen, abschätzen
Our company took a survey to gauge the employees' interest in their English-language training course. Unser Unternehmen führte eine Befragung durch, um das Interesse der Angestellten an ihrem Englischkurs abzuschätzen.
a gauge: ein Messgerät
a fuel gauge eine Tankanzeige
Pronunciation examples
UK: Our company took a survey to gauge the employees' interest in their English-language training course.
US: Check the fuel gauge, I think we are out of fuel.
- "I'll call him this afternoon, and try to gauge his reaction."
- "Please consider this new policy and talk with your colleagues to gauge their interest."
- "Field research and polling have revealed that there is room on the market for this kind of product, and I'd like to gauge your reactions."
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