Übersetzung & Definition
From now on...: von nun an, fortan...
From now on, I want a hot cup of coffee on my desk when I arrive at the office. Von nun an möchte ich eine Tasse heißen Kaffee auf meinem Schreibtisch, wenn ich morgens ins Büro komme.
- "From now on, I am sticking to perfumes!"
- "From now on you'll be the manager of Human-Photocopier Relations."
- "From now on the first thing and the last thing I want to hear out of your mouths is "Sir"."
- "These countries may be safe from now on: British home buyers seem to have set their sights on the USA."
- "Just call me Philip the Genius from now on!"
- "And please, call me Mr. Cashman from now on."
- "It took some convincing, but I have Gidyeon's word that his pricing policy will respect our suggested list prices from now on."
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