Übersetzung & Definition
frequent: häufig, oft
We have frequent discussions about whether or not Zirconda will join the E.U. Wir haben häufig Diskussionen darüber, ob Zirconda der E.U. beitreten wird oder nicht.
to frequent: frequentieren, häufig besuchen, Umgang pflegen
I want you to stop frequenting the graveyard at night. Ich möchte, dass Du aufhörst, den Friedhof in der Nacht zu frequentieren.
- "In passing, she mentioned that your frequent business trips are a source of concern for her."
- ""Miss Susie" is a little concerned about your frequent visits to her office."
- "We're trying to rebrand Outback Cologne as a scent that also appeals to urban individuals, university students, young professionals, people who frequent bars and cafés and single men on the dating scene."
- "In fact, the majority of Swedes speak excellent English thanks to a strong foreign trade policy, frequent overseas travel, and subtitled films in their original versions."
- "As secretary of the local Ladies' Knitting Collective, I am key in determining the establishments which the ladies of this city frequent."
- "Miss Stake : But does this really warrant such frequent absences from Head Office?"
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